Proper maintenance is an inevitable thing to optimise the longevity of a hot water heater. Most people choose the electric versions nowadays because of the superior convenience, better performance and high energy efficiency. What about an electric hot water cylinder? How to optimise the longevity of this heater? Here are a few simple and practical tips to maximize the lifespan of electric storage heaters with a hot water cylinder:

Don't keep the heater tank full for a long time.

Many people do not give adequate importance to maintenance after purchasing a water heater. This is a mistake that hurts the longevity of the device. Keeping water in the tank for long hours, even when not using the heater often leads to undesirable bacteria formation. Further, you may experience a bad odour. So, empty the tank when you are not at home. It helps you maximize the lifespan of your electric storage heater.

Switch off the device after use or when you are away.

Have you finished using the heater? Then, switch it off. The heating element will increase the temperature as soon as the water temperature tank comes down. Naturally, the heater has to work harder than usual to increase the power consumption. In fact, the tanks of electric storage heating devices maintain the temperature for around 5 hours even when you switch off the system.

Don't let the water quality deteriorate.

Check the water quality and do everything needed to improve the quality if needed. Minerals like magnesium and calcium can make your water hard. Hard water causes danger to your electric heater with a hot water cylinder. In other words, the mineral deposit formations at the bottom of your device reduce the longevity markedly. How to solve this issue? The best way to prevent mineral deposits is to use a water softener. It keeps the water soft by filtering out the minerals.        

Keep the heating elements optimally functional.

Don't let impurities such as limestone build up in the tank. They can cause serious damage to the valve and heating elements. So, proper maintenance of your heating elements is a critical aspect. Check the condition and clean them as needed.

Focus on the water heater pipe insulation.

Renowned for their higher energy efficiency, electric hot water cylinders help you save money eventually. However, experts recommend water pipe insulation to make these devices more energy efficient. You can raise the water temperature up to 4 degrees with insulation. Consequently, the overall productivity of your machine increases substantially. 

Never underestimate the importance of regular maintenance. Follow these tips to keep the productivity of your electric storage heater at optimal levels. Learn how to use a hot water heater efficiently. With a little bit of care and responsibility, you can extend the heater's lifespan significantly.