Many different varieties of hot water cylinders are on the market. People are confused about how to pick the right one. There are electric, gas, heat pump, and solar cylinders available today. Among them, the electric versions are gaining popularity much faster than others. Learn these things before using electric cylinders to meet your hot water needs.

How do these devices function?

A tank and an electric heating element are the core parts of an electric cylinder. The tank is the one that holds water. It is usually made using copper or stainless steel. The heating element increases the temperature to supply hot water. You can find the thermostat at the bottom of the tank. As the name suggests, electricity is the power source used to run this water heating system. In addition, the tank is equipped with its own power supply. You can choose a convenient temperature level on the thermostat. When the water temperature reaches this level, the power supply of the tank automatically will turn off. 

Vented and unvented cylinders

You can find two different types of electric hot water cylinders these days. The first one is a vented cylinder. You can connect this type to a cold storage tank in your home. It is a pretty common cylinder in older New Zealand homes where conventional heating systems are used to get hot water. An unvented cylinder can be termed as a modern version. You can call it a pressurised cylinder. It accepts water from your mains and heats water more efficiently. 

Cylinder installation

When it comes to installing an electric cylinder, you should be very careful. If you don't have experience in handling these types of products, you should never rely on DIY methods. Hire an experienced plumbing technician to get the job done. It is the best method to ensure safety. Further, professional installation makes sure that everything is in compliance with local regulations.   

Durable materials and sturdy construction

As mentioned above, corrosion-resistant materials like stainless or copper are used to make the tank of an electric cylinder heating system. Top-quality products come with sturdy build quality and construction to ensure superior longevity.   

Timely maintenance

An electric hot water cylinder demands regular maintenance. Timely upkeep protects this device from malfunctioning and other premature damages. It is necessary to monitor the heating element regularly. You should also flush the tank frequently to prevent the accumulation of sediments. Sediment buildup can cause irreparable damage over time.

Excellent practicality

Electric cylinders are the best option available to meet the challenging needs of fast-paced living. It brings tremendous convenience and heats water immediately. The compact design of advanced products helps you place them anywhere in your home. They don't need a lot of space. Further, the modern versions come with customer-friendly features to deliver superb ease of use.

Don't worry about the environmental impact when purchasing electric water heater cylinders. They do not contribute to gas emissions and help you safeguard the environment responsibly. You can choose a model with a better energy efficiency rating to make your investment more profitable.